Sunday, December 27, 2020

Red Pen at the Ready!

 Maybe Santa was bringing you new socks and underwear, but at my house he dropped off page proofs for S. Sylvan Simon, Moviemaker: Adventures with Lucy, Red Skelton and Harry Cohn in the Golden Age of Hollywood, due out early next year from McFarland.

Over the next 2-3 weeks, I'll have my final opportunity to keep typos, misspellings, and general boo-boos from finding their way into print. It's a bit of a nervewracking procress, because I always want my books to be as close to flawless as possible.

Another not-terribly fun task is the compilation of the book's index. It's a tedious chore, but it usually pays off in terms of finding at least a few changes I want to make.

The final result, hopefully, will be a book  readers will find helpful and interesting, one that gives my subject the credit he deserves for his many accomplishments. And, hey, I might even make a few bucks.

Here's hoping.

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